A Good IDEA for the Long Run: The Benefits of Increasing Dividends (December 2021)

A Report from the Value Equities Investment Committee | PDF

In this report, we examine the long-term outperformance of stocks with growing dividends; why certain dividend growers outperform and their attributes; how those attributes correspond to our approach when selecting businesses for the IDEA portfolio; and the impact of inflation on dividend stocks.

Why Dividends? A Bird in the Hand

It is a common maxim in investing that dividends make up a good portion of the long-term total return in the market. This chart demonstrates how significant that contribution has been over the past century. As the saying goes, “a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush”; the same can be said for the predictability of dividends relative to capital appreciation.

An Established History

At Confluence Investment Management, our value equity investment philosophy was initiated at our predecessor firm and continues to be implemented more than 25 years later. Accordingly, the members of the Value Equities Investment Committee have a long history of managing dividend-oriented investment strategies. With a dedicated team of research analysts conducting proprietary research, the fundamental approach is focused on understanding and valuing individual businesses with an emphasis on owning competitively advantaged businesses. This approach is the foundation of all six domestic value equity strategies at Confluence, including the Increasing Dividend Equity Account (IDEA) strategy.

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2022 Outlook: The Year of Fat Tails (December 16, 2021)

by Mark Keller, CFA, Bill O’Grady, and Patrick Fearon-Hernandez, CFA | PDF


  • We don’t expect a recession in 2022. Real GDP growth will range between 3.0% to 3.5%. Inflation remains elevated, though price pressures will likely subside in H2 2022. We expect the core PCE deflator, the Federal Reserve’s preferred measure of inflation, to decline into a range between 3.5% to 3.0%. Overall CPI will decline into a range of 4.0% to 3.5%. So, inflation will remain elevated but should ease. Labor markets should slowly normalize, with unemployment reaching 4.0% by year’s end.
  • The 10-year T-note will end the year with a yield of 1.85%, with an intra-year peak of 2.20%. Our base case is that the Federal Reserve will end its balance sheet expansion by mid-2022, but the first rate hike is more likely to come in Q1 2023.
  • The S&P 500 will reach 5000 in 2022, approximately 6.0% higher than the expected 4700 at year-end 2021. Given liquidity conditions, we would carry an upside bias to this forecast. On the negative side, inflation is elevated, multiples are stretched, and bottlenecks and rising labor costs could eventually hurt margins. On the positive side, liquidity is ample, especially in the top 10% of households, and will tend to support equities. We favor value over growth and small caps over large caps. We remain favorable to foreign stocks.
  • We still view the dollar as overvalued, but some sort of exogenous catalyst will likely be necessary to change the current bullish sentiment.
  • We are bullish commodities and believe we are in the early stages of a broader bull market. Gold is undervalued on a long-term basis but is facing competition from bitcoin.

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Daily Comment (December 14, 2021)

by Bill O’Grady, Thomas Wash, and Patrick Fearon-Hernandez, CFA

[Posted: 9:30 AM EST] | PDF

Note to readers: The Daily Comment will go on holiday after Friday’s comment and return on January 3, 2022. From all of us at Confluence Investment Management, have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

In today’s Comment, we open with a review of key U.S. news, including an update on the weekend’s tornadoes, the status of President Biden’s latest fiscal program, and the opening of the Federal Reserve’s policy meeting today.  We next deal with a range of international news, including the recent U.S. pushback against China’s aggressive geopolitical moves.  We wrap up with the latest developments regarding the coronavirus pandemic.

U.S. Tornado Toll:  The number of confirmed fatalities from last weekend’s tornadoes rose to 88, with the vast majority of the deaths in Kentucky.  So far, we haven’t seen an estimate of insurable loss damages, but it could be high.  Although meteorologists believe the unusually powerful storms for this time of year had their origin in extraordinarily warm temperatures, they couldn’t yet tie them directly to global warming.  All the same, we note that as global temperatures trend upward, the increased heat in the atmosphere has coincided with a rise in particularly devastating storms, especially over land, as shown in the graph below.

U.S. Fiscal Policy:  President Biden lobbied Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia by phone yesterday in another effort to garner the senator’s support for the Democrats’ $1.75 trillion “Build Back Better” social policy and climate change legislation.  However, neither side reported any breakthrough, other than agreeing to talk again in the coming days.

U.S. Monetary Policy:  Today, the Fed begins its latest two-day policy meeting.  When the new policy statement is released tomorrow, the officials are expected to say they will accelerate the tapering of their bond-buying to end the program by March, which would position them to start hiking the benchmark fed funds interest rate in the first half of the year if they so choose.  However, Chair Powell’s abrupt mutation into an inflation hawk has some investors nervous about what the policymakers will actually do at the meeting.  Until the decision is out, it could lead to further volatility in the markets as it did yesterday.

  • As we noted in our Comment yesterday, most major central banks are holding a policy meeting this week, but their expected policy actions range widely.  Importantly, the IMF warned in its latest review of the British economy that the Bank of England is already behind on tamping down inflation pressures and must not delay rate hikes, even as the fast-spreading Omicron mutation of the coronavirus has some observers thinking the central bank might punt on rate hikes this week.
  • Separately, the Canadian government and the Bank of Canada yesterday agreed to renew the central bank’s mandate to target 2% annual inflation, with a new emphasis on giving the central bank flexibility to address economic challenges and help obtain full employment when conditions warrant.
    • Under the renewed mandate, which runs until the end of 2026, the central bank will set rate policy to achieve 2% annual inflation or the midpoint of a 1% to 3% target range.
    • The bank will have flexibility in rate setting to achieve “maximum sustainable employment . . .  The central bank will utilize the flexibility of the 1% to 3% range only to an extent that is consistent with keeping medium-term inflation expectations well anchored at 2%.”

United States-China:  In a major policy speech delivered in Jakarta, Secretary of State Blinken criticized “Beijing’s aggressive actions” against its neighbors and reaffirmed Washington’s commitment to an Indo-Pacific region “free from coercion and accessible to all.”

  • Blinken said the U.S. plans to strengthen its treaty alliances with Japan, South Korea, Australia, the Philippines, and Thailand in order to counter China’s aggressive geopolitical moves.  In addition, he said the Biden administration is developing a “comprehensive Indo-Pacific economic framework” that would include co-operation on trade, the digital economy, technology, supply chain resilience, and investments in decarbonization.
  • Although the speech broke little new ground, it drew a sharp rebuke from the Chinese government, which understands that its effort to build up Chinese power and geopolitical influence could be hemmed in to the extent that foreign nations understand the threat they face from China.

United States-China-Japan:  Elaborating on comments he made earlier this month, former Japanese Prime Minister Abe said that any Chinese attack on a U.S. military vessel in a contingency concerning Taiwan could become a situation allowing Japan to exercise the right of collective self-defense, i.e., military action.  Pointing out that Yonaguni Island — Japan’s westernmost territory — is only 110 kilometers away from Taiwan, Abe said, “If something happens here, it will definitely become a crucial situation” affecting Japan’s peace and security as stipulated in the country’s security legislation.  The statement points to a growing realization in Japan that the country faces a severe security risk from China and needs to strengthen its alliance with the U.S. to counter it.

Norway:  NATO General Secretary Jens Stoltenberg said he has applied to become the governor of Norway’s central bank starting next October.  Stoltenberg, who formerly served as Norway’s prime minister, and finance minister before that, is a political heavyweight who would likely be a front-runner for the position, along with current deputy governor Ida Wolden Bache.

  • Stoltenberg’s supporters have said that having a political heavyweight in the role would be desirable and that few understand Norway’s economy as well as Stoltenberg, who, as finance minister, came up with the spending rule that decides how much government can take out of the oil fund each year.  Stoltenberg’s leadership of the central bank would likely be well received by investors.
  • In contrast, however, Stoltenberg’s critics argue that the credibility of both Norges Bank and the country’s sovereign wealth fund would be placed at risk by putting a former politician — and one who is close friends with current Labor leader and prime minister Jonas Gahr Støre— in charge.

Global Supply Chains:  Data from the OECD indicate corporate capital investment fell in the U.S., Canada, Japan, Germany, South Korea, the Netherlands, and Switzerland during the third quarter, despite the excess of demand over supply that’s driving up prices worldwide.  The causes of the slowdown appear mixed. Many businesses cite price rises, supply-chain problems, and uncertainty regarding how long the surge in consumer spending will last.

COVID-19:  Official data show confirmed cases have risen to 270,933,004 worldwide, with 5,316,286 deaths.  In the U.S., confirmed cases rose to 50,120,820, with 798,722 deaths.  (For an interactive chart that allows you to compare cases and deaths among countries, scaled by population, click here.)  Meanwhile, in data on the U.S. vaccination program, the number of people who have received at least their first shot totals 239,274,656.  The data show that 72.1% of the U.S. population has now received at least one dose of a vaccine, and 60.9% of the population is fully vaccinated.


 Economic and Financial Market Impacts

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Weekly Geopolitical Report – The 2022 Geopolitical Outlook (December 13, 2021)

by Bill O’Grady & Patrick Fearon-Hernandez, CFA | PDF

(This is the last WGR of 2021; the next report will be published on January 18, 2022.  Starting in 2022, we will shift to a bi-weekly publication schedule and will add a new Geopolitical Podcast with each report.)

As is our custom, in mid-December, we publish our geopolitical outlook for the upcoming year.  This report is less a series of predictions as it is a list of potential geopolitical issues that we believe will dominate the international landscape for 2022.  It is not designed to be exhaustive; instead, it focuses on the “big picture” conditions that we believe will affect policy and markets going forward.  They are listed in order of importance.

Issue #1: China

Issue #2: Russia

Issue #3: Germany

Issue #4: The Crisis in Ethiopia

Issue #5: Rising Food Prices

Issue #6: The Energy Transition

Issue #7:  The Failure of the Iran Nuclear Negotiations

Odds and Ends: This section is for concerns that may affect the world in 2022 but didn’t rise to the level of an issue on our list.

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Weekly Geopolitical Report – Plunging U.S. Service Exports (December 6, 2021)

by Patrick Fearon-Hernandez, CFA | PDF

When people think about a country’s exports, imports, and trade balance, they often focus only on physical goods (sometimes referred to as “commodities” or “merchandise”).  That makes some sense, given that physical goods account for the majority of international trade for most countries.  Trade in physical goods can also be volatile, and it can have big implications for a country’s domestic politics.  All the same, services are also a big part of international trade.  In this report, we take a close look at the role of services in U.S. trade.  We highlight how U.S. trade in services plummeted as a result of the global COVID-19 pandemic, and how it’s now starting to bounce back.  We end with a discussion of how that plunge and budding rebound may affect investors.

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