Weekly Geopolitical Report – The Geopolitics of Taiwan: Part II (May 10, 2021)

by Bill O’Grady | PDF

In Part I, we covered the history of Taiwan, current relations between the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and the Republic of China (ROC), and closed with the end of strategic ambiguity.  This week, we will analyze the geopolitical importance of Taiwan and the PRC’s military options with regard to Taiwan.

The Importance of Taiwan
As background, we consider the situation between China and Japan a “frozen conflict.”  The two countries have fought several wars over the past millennia.  Since the end of WWII, due to American security guarantees, Japan has demilitarized.  The American presence has allowed China and Japan to expand trade relations and investment.  The presence of the U.S. in the region means that Japan and China no longer fear for the security of raw material flows.  And, they don’t fear each other.  However, the current peace between Japan and China relies on the U.S. hegemonic presence.  If America leaves, either by choice or by ouster, the age-old conflict between Japan and China will likely return.

By the same token, the Korean peninsula has been under the control of China or Japan on numerous occasions over history.  It is reasonable to assume that if the U.S. presence is reduced, the Koreas will likely face pressure from China and maybe Japan.

The control of Taiwan is critical to the geopolitical situation of the Koreas, Japan, and the Pacific region.  Perhaps the clearest expression of the geopolitical importance of Taiwan comes from the late Gen. Douglass MacArthur.

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Asset Allocation Weekly (May 7, 2021)

by the Asset Allocation Committee | PDF

Yogi Berra is famous for various quotes.  He famously said, “Always go to other people’s funerals, otherwise, they won’t come to yours.”  He also noted that, “A nickel isn’t worth a dime anymore.”  The one we deal with most in asset allocation is the saying, “It’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future.”  But, as Hyman Roth remarked, “This is the business we have chosen.”

So, how do we make predictions?  Our asset allocation process uses a committee approach and gives each member the freedom to create their own methodologies to arrive at their forecasts.  This system has worked out reasonably well, in part because there is enough diversity of methods and opinions to cover a wide range of possibilities.  From there, the committee comes to a consensus about the return, risk, and yield of 12 different asset classes.

One way to examine this issue is to adapt a tool from psychology called the “Johari Window.”

This scheme was used by Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld in his famous “known-unknowns” press conference.  For our purposes, the “Facts” quadrant, quadrant one, is essentially history.  This quadrant contains factual information—what we know is true.  The second quadrant, “Blindspot,” is the area of known-unknowns.  This is where we know a factor is important, but we don’t know what the outcome will be quite yet.  This is the area of risk, where some degree of probability can be assigned.  The other two quadrants are “Bias” and “Uncertainty.”  Quadrant four, the uncertainty zone, is where we are not even aware of the outstanding risks.  The third quadrant, the zone of bias, is where we think we know something but, in fact, we don’t.

To a great extent, quadrants three and four are where the problems lie.  Of the two, bias is probably the most dangerous.  This is the region of belief.  John Maynard Keyes summed up this issue with the following quote:

Practical men, who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influence, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist. Madmen in authority, who hear voices in the air, are distilling their frenzy from some academic scribbler of a few years back.[1]


This is where narratives can dominate thinking and blind us to other possible outcomes.  It is probably impossible to be a bias-free human.  All of us carry self-evident truths that help us manage our lives.  The key point is to be aware of them.  One of the benefits of a committee structure, at least one with enough diversity, is that the bias risk can be offset by having “competing biases.”  An even more effective committee can help each member become more aware of their individual biases as well.

Quadrant four, the area of the unknown, can only be divined by intuition.  For the most part, this is the area where events haven’t happened before or occur so infrequently that there isn’t much history to work with.  It isn’t impossible to predict these outcomes, but it isn’t easy.  And, it is nearly impossible to get it right consistently.  The history of markets is littered with analysts who were “one-hit wonders,” having made a great call once without repetition.  A process in which multiple participants intuit the unknown at least offers the chance of a correct assessment.

Here is an example using the Johari Window with a current market issue.  There is currently great concern about inflation.  Here is what we know:

  1. Money supply growth is at record levels, up 25% on a yearly basis;
  2. The FOMC has changed its policy to end its primary focus on inflation control;
  3. Fiscal policy is expanding rapidly.

All these factors would support rising inflation risks.  Offsetting these risks are:

  1. The bulk of cash remains on the balance sheets of the affluent;
  2. The U.S. economy remains mostly open, meaning that imports can help contain inflation;
  3. Household debt levels remain elevated and “scarring” from the pandemic will probably keep households cautious about spending.

So, what did the Asset Allocation Committee do, in light of these factors?

  1. We acknowledged the growing inflation risk well before the current situation. We have had an allocation to precious metals for nearly three years and have utilized bond ladders in portfolios with fixed income.  We have also included an allocation to commodities for a year now.
  2. At the same time, given the distribution of cash, there is a chance that asset inflation could occur, at least in the near term. Price inflation will need less inequality.  Thus, we are overweight equities.
  3. We also expect that policy will lead to a weaker dollar, and so we hold a sizeable allocation to international equities.

Essentially, Confluence’s asset allocation process attempts to take what we know and assess the quantifiable risks, based on history, consider what might happen that is uncertain, and make sure we don’t assume outcomes that may not be consistent with what we know.

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[1] Keynes, John M. (1936). The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money. New York, NY: Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich. (p. 383)

Weekly Geopolitical Report – The Geopolitics of Taiwan: Part I (May 3, 2021)

by Bill O’Grady | PDF

Tensions over Taiwan have been steadily escalating in recent years.  When President Trump was elected in 2016, one of the first official contacts he made was with President Tsai Ing-wen, the leader of Taiwan.  Accepting this call infuriated Beijing, which views Taiwan as a province of the People’s Republic of China (PRC).  Recently, there have been alerts from American military officials warning that China has hostile designs on TaiwanChinese warplanes regularly enter Taiwan’s airspace, normalizing this hostility.

There are numerous subcurrents in Asia; the predominant one is that China no longer accepts U.S. hegemony in the region and seeks to become the dominant power of that continent.[1]  However, having the goal of hegemony and becoming a hegemon are two different issues.  The size of China’s economy clearly makes it a world power.  The country has been rapidly building its military to compete with the U.S.  At the same time, it has serious vulnerabilities that prevent it from ousting America from the Pacific region.

Taiwan encapsulates many of the issues surrounding China’s goal of hegemony.  In this report, we will examine them in depth.  In a subsequent report, my colleague, Patrick Fearon-Hernandez, will build off this research to examine the global semiconductor industry which has much of its critical infrastructure in Taiwan.  To some extent, the geopolitics of Taiwan, in general, and the semiconductor industry, specifically, detail the current situation surrounding globalization.  As globalization comes under strain, the stresses are being exhibited clearly in Taiwan and in semiconductors.[2]

In Part I of this report, we will begin with a history of Taiwan.  Next, we will address current relations between the PRC and the Republic of China (ROC) and the end of strategic ambiguity.  In Part II, we will analyze the geopolitical importance of Taiwan and China’s military options.  In Part III, we will examine how Xi Jinping may react, in light of his ascendency to power.  Finally, we will conclude with market ramifications.

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[1] Allison, Graham. (2017). Destined for War: Can America and China Escape Thucydides’s Trap? New York, NY: Houghton, Mifflin, Harcourt. Our review of the book and concept can be found here and here.

[2] Because these reports touch on not just macroeconomic and geopolitical issues, but will also discuss industries and companies, we want to acknowledge the support and counsel provided by our colleagues at Confluence Investment Management on the Value Equities and International Equities Investment Committees.  Dan Winter, Matt Sinkovitz, Mark Keller, Joe Hanzlik, and Greg Tropf provided insight and information in our research.  While acknowledging their contributions, any errors and omissions in this report are mine alone and the research reflects my sole conclusions.

Asset Allocation Weekly (April 30, 2021)

by Asset Allocation Committee | PDF

(Due to staff vacations, there will not be an accompanying podcast and chart book this week. The multimedia offerings associated with this report will resume next week, May 7.)

In our asset allocation strategies, we continue to have a separate provision to homebuilders.  The reason for this particular position is due to our belief that homebuilding and associated industries are poised for a multiple-quarter expansion.  One reason for this expectation is that housing and homebuilding are still recovering from the housing bubble that peaked in 2005.  The aftermath of that bubble caused a decline in homebuilding.

This chart shows housing starts from 1953 to the present.  From 1953 to 2000, the average was 1.048MM single-family starts per month on a seasonally adjusted annualized basis.  Note that starts rose well above average during the housing bubble and then plunged during the Great Financial Crisis.  They only returned to their earlier average last August.  Given that the population was smaller in the past, existing sales per capita would be even lower now.

The shortage of single-family homes relative to starts is even more stark when compared to the single-family home vacancy rate.

This chart shows single-family housing starts compared to the vacancy rate.  We have marked low vacancy levels with teal circles.  In the 1970s, vacancies at the current level led to starts between 1.3MM and 1.4MM starts.  We are currently around 1.1MM, which suggests a boom in homebuilding is not only likely, but probably necessary to meet the demand for housing.  Thus, our outlook for the homebuilding sector remains especially positive.

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Business Cycle Report (April 29, 2021)

by Thomas Wash | PDF

The business cycle has a major impact on financial markets; recessions usually accompany bear markets in equities.  The intention of this report is to keep our readers apprised of the potential for recession, updated on a monthly basis.  Although it isn’t the final word on our views about recession, it is part of our process in signaling the potential for a downturn.

In March, the diffusion index rose further above the recession indicator, signaling that the recovery is continuing. In the financial markets, heightened inflation fears led to a sell-off in equities and 10-year Treasuries. Meanwhile, a slowdown in COVID-19 cases and easing restrictions made it easier to hire workers; thus, last month saw an improvement in labor market conditions. However, poor weather conditions and supply constraints, particularly the lack of semiconductors and lumber, led to a pullback in manufacturing activity. As a result, four out of the 11 indicators are in contraction territory. The reading for March was unchanged from the previous month at +0.2727, above the recession signal of +0.2500.

The chart above shows the Confluence Diffusion Index. It uses a three-month moving average of 11 leading indicators to track the state of the business cycle. The red line signals when the business cycle is headed toward a contraction, while the blue line signals when the business cycle is headed toward a recovery. On average, the diffusion index is currently providing about six months of lead time for a contraction and five months of lead time for a recovery. Continue reading for a more in-depth understanding of how the indicators are performing and refer to our Glossary of Charts at the back of this report for a description of each chart and what it measures. A chart title listed in red indicates that indicator is signaling recession.

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Weekly Geopolitical Report – Irish Border Revisited (April 26, 2021)

by Thomas Wash | PDF

It has been more than a year since the U.K. and European Union (EU) came to terms with the Withdrawal Agreement, yet questions remain on how it will impact Northern Ireland, which was granted an exception to remain in the EU. Having decisively voted 56% to 44% to remain a part of the EU during the Brexit referendum, it is unclear whether Northern Ireland allegiance lies with the U.K. or the EU.

The exception, which went into effect earlier this year, keeps the Northern Ireland economy in the EU to prevent a hard border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. This has angered pro-British Unionists who believe that the exception ostracizes Northern Ireland from the U.K. and draws it closer to Ireland. As a result, the Unionists have protested the decision and violence has erupted between competing factions in Northern Ireland. However, demographic trends have shown that the pro-British faction seems to be slowly dwindling, likely heightening concerns.

In this report, we will focus on the current relationship between Northern Ireland, the U.K., and the EU, and summarize the Good Friday Agreement. Next, we will discuss the impact of demographic changes on reunification efforts and what we expect to happen going forward. As usual, we will conclude with potential market ramifications.

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