Asset Allocation Quarterly

Asset Allocation Quarterly (Second Quarter 2018)

Near-term expectations for earnings growth resulting from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 remain heightened. Continued Fed policy tightening, through measured increases in the fed funds rate and reductions in the size of the Fed’s balance sheet, is not expected to weigh on the economy over the next two years. Our outlook for… Read More »

Asset Allocation Quarterly (First Quarter 2018)

The passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 significantly increased our earnings forecast for the S&P 500 for 2018 from $129.82 to $144.84. We do not expect major changes to economic growth stemming from the tax legislation. Fed policy should continue to tighten through increases in the fed funds rate and a… Read More »

Asset Allocation Quarterly (Fourth Quarter 2017)

Our inflation outlook remains benign and economic data continues to be modestly positive. We do not anticipate a recession in the near term. Though the composition of the Fed will change over the next four months, we expect policy to continue toward tightening through increases in the fed funds rate and a reduction in the… Read More »

Asset Allocation Quarterly (Third Quarter 2017)

Economic data remain supportive and the inflation outlook is currently benign. Though the economic expansion is elongated, we do not anticipate a near-term recession. Fed policy is expected to tighten in terms of rising short-term rates and the reduction in the size of the Fed’s balance sheet. We expect the Fed to commence the reduction… Read More »

Asset Allocation Quarterly (Second Quarter 2017)

The economy continues on a stable path, along with relatively low levels of inflation. In this cycle, tighter Fed policy involves not only raising short-term rates, but also reducing the size of the Fed’s balance sheet. The magnitude of growth of the Fed’s balance sheet in recent years was unprecedented. Its reduction is also unprecedented.… Read More »

Asset Allocation Quarterly (First Quarter 2017)

The November elections have had a significant impact on the financial markets. It is important to watch how policies from the new administration unfold. We don’t expect new policies to rapidly accelerate economic growth. However, we do expect growth to improve modestly in 2017. Our equity allocations are entirely domestic. We shift allocations toward large… Read More »

Asset Allocation Quarterly (Fourth Quarter 2016)

Although presidential elections gather a lot of attention from investors, we believe the specific person or party getting elected in this cycle may be less important than the forces driving the elections. The Fed is likely to raise rates gradually and we don’t expect the tighter policy to create a recession. Our equity allocations remain… Read More »

Asset Allocation Quarterly (Third Quarter 2016)

The U.S. economy is likely to remain in its low-growth trend and we don’t foresee a recession, given that the Fed has become less inclined to raise rates. Brexit should be largely transitory for Britain, but may reveal a variety of weaknesses within the European Union. The U.S. presidential elections reveal a myriad of changing… Read More »

Asset Allocation Quarterly (Second Quarter 2016)

Economic growth will likely remain slow, but stable. We expect the Fed to proceed gradually in raising rates. The labor market continues to strengthen, with more workers entering the labor force, but wage growth remains weak. We expect domestic growth to be higher and more stable than most foreign economies. Therefore, we maintain a significant… Read More »

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