Asset Allocation Reports

Asset Allocation Quarterly (Third Quarter 2020)

by the Asset Allocation Committee | PDF We expect the current U.S. recession to be deep, yet brief, with a long period of recovery and the potential for expansion toward the latter portion of our forecast period. The Federal Reserve has stabilized the financial markets and ensured the continued functioning of the corporate debt market.… Read More »

Asset Allocation Weekly (July 17, 2020)

by Asset Allocation Committee | PDF One of the burning issues about the current path of policy is its inflationary impact.  In other words, will the massive increase in fiscal spending and the Fed’s balance sheet lead to higher price levels?  To discuss this issue, we return to the equation of exchange: M x V… Read More »

Asset Allocation Weekly (July 10, 2020)

by Asset Allocation Committee Equity markets, to a greater or lesser degree, tend to reflect social and political trends.  After all, the mood of investors plays a role in the propensity to move money into stock markets.  Unfortunately, the impact of social or political events on equities tends to be a mixed bag.  The chart below… Read More »

Asset Allocation Weekly (June 26, 2020)

by Asset Allocation Committee (N.B.  Due to the Independence Day holiday, the next report will be issued on July 10, 2020.) Since 2008, some central banks have implemented negative policy interest rates.  Standard economics suggests that negative nominal rates on deposits are impossible because holders could simply liquidate the deposit and “put the money under the… Read More »

Asset Allocation Weekly (June 19, 2020)

by Asset Allocation Committee By now, investors have rightly come around to the idea that the equity market’s strong rebound since late March can be largely ascribed to the aggressive monetary and fiscal policies put in place to counter the coronavirus crisis.  The economic downturn from the pandemic lockdown has been severe, pushing unemployment to its… Read More »

Asset Allocation Weekly (June 12, 2020)

by Asset Allocation Committee Although gold is the primary precious metal for investors, platinum, palladium and silver also can fulfill that role.  Complicating matters is that these three metals are dual-use products.  Unlike gold, which has few uses outside of monetary (store of value) purposes and jewelry, these other three have industrial uses as well.  About… Read More »

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