Daily Comment

Daily Comment (November 27, 2018)

by Bill O’Grady and Thomas Wash [Posted: 9:30 AM EDT] Good morning!  Risk markets are under pressure this morning after the president maintained a hard line on Chinese tariffs.  Here is what we are watching today: Chinese tariffs: In an interview with the WSJ,[1] President Trump indicated that he expects to lift existing tariffs on $200… Read More »

Daily Comment (November 26, 2018)

by Bill O’Grady and Thomas Wash [Posted: 9:30 AM EDT] Happy Monday!  Risk markets are higher this morning on hopes of a détente between China and the U.S. on trade and on hopes that the FOMC will signal some dovishness.  Thanksgiving has passed and the West is gearing up for Christmas.  Here is what we are… Read More »

Daily Comment (November 20, 2018)

by Bill O’Grady and Thomas Wash [Posted: 9:30 AM EDT] (NB: The Daily Comment will go on hiatus beginning Wednesday, November 21st, returning on Monday, November 26th.  From all of us at Confluence Investment Management, have a Happy Thanksgiving!) Another down day for equities—stocks continue their slide.  News flow was surprisingly light overnight.  Here is… Read More »

Daily Comment (November 19, 2018)

by Bill O’Grady and Thomas Wash [Posted: 9:30 AM EDT] (NB: The Daily Comment will go on hiatus beginning Wednesday, November 21st, returning on Monday, November 26th.) Happy Monday!  It’s a short week as the U.S. prepares for the Thanksgiving holiday on Thursday and a slow day on Friday.  Here is what we are watching… Read More »

Daily Comment (November 16, 2018)

by Bill O’Grady and Thomas Wash [Posted: 9:30 AM EDT] (NB: The Daily Comment will go on hiatus beginning Wednesday, November 21st, returning on Monday, November 26th.) Happy Friday!  After a strong close in equities yesterday, we are giving some of the gains back this morning.  Trade worries continue to dominate.  This is what we… Read More »

Daily Comment (November 15, 2018)

by Bill O’Grady and Thomas Wash [Posted: 9:30 AM EDT] (NB: The Daily Comment will go on hiatus beginning Wednesday, November 21st, returning on Monday, November 26th.) It’s Thursday morning.  Today’s headlines are being dominated by Brexit.  Here is what we are watching: Brexit: PM May suffered a significant blow overnight as two cabinet ministers… Read More »

Daily Comment (November 14, 2018)

by Bill O’Grady and Thomas Wash [Posted: 9:30 AM EDT] (NB: The Daily Comment will go on hiatus beginning Wednesday, November 21st, returning on Monday, November 26th.) There is a lot going on this morning.  Let’s dig in: Brexit—the end of the beginning: Yesterday afternoon (EST), the EU and the U.K. announced that a tentative… Read More »

Daily Comment (November 13, 2018)

by Bill O’Grady and Thomas Wash [Posted: 9:30 AM EDT] Good morning!  We are seeing a recovery in equities this morning after a rough day yesterday.  The dollar’s a bit weaker this morning.  Energy is mixed—oil prices are continuing their slump but natural gas is on a tear due to early winter weather east of the… Read More »

Daily Comment (November 12, 2018)

by Bill O’Grady and Thomas Wash [Posted: 9:30 AM EDT] It’s Monday and a bank holiday.  Since Veteran’s Day fell on a weekend, the banking system is partially closed today, which means the cash Treasury market is closed.  This is what we are watching this morning: OPEC and oil: President Trump has been critical of OPEC… Read More »

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