Daily Comment

Daily Comment (March 30, 2023)

by Patrick Fearon-Hernandez, CFA, and Thomas Wash [Posted: 9:30 AM EDT] | PDF Good morning!  It’s Opening Day for major league baseball.  In the financial markets, it’s a “risk on” day: equities and commodities are moving higher, while the dollar is weaker but interest rates have reversed higher. In today’s Comment, we open with China… Read More »

Daily Comment (March 29, 2023)

by Patrick Fearon-Hernandez, CFA, and Thomas Wash [Posted: 9:30 AM EDT] | PDF Our Comment today opens with an update on the U.S. banking crisis, where the Senate Banking Committee took testimony yesterday from Federal Reserve Vice Chair for Supervision Barr and other top bank regulators.  We next review a wide range of other international… Read More »

Daily Comment (March 28, 2023)

by Patrick Fearon-Hernandez, CFA, and Thomas Wash [Posted: 9:30 AM EDT] | PDF Our Comment today opens with an update on the U.S. banking crisis.  Federal Reserve Vice Chair for Supervision Barr will be testifying on the crisis before the Senate today.  We next review a wide range of other international and U.S. developments with… Read More »

Daily Comment (March 27, 2023)

by Patrick Fearon-Hernandez, CFA, and Thomas Wash [Posted: 9:30 AM EDT] | PDF Our Comment today opens with an update on the U.S. and European banking crises.  Fortunately, it is looking more and more like the crises are dissipating for now, although we remain cautious about any other stresses in the financial system because of… Read More »

Daily Comment (March 24, 2023)

by Patrick Fearon-Hernandez, CFA, and Thomas Wash [Posted: 9:30 AM EDT] | PDF Good morning! Today’s Comment begins with an overview of our thoughts on the Congressional hearings for both TikTok and Treasury Security Janet Yellen. Next, we discuss why central banks have decided to raise interest rates in the face of an ongoing banking… Read More »

Daily Comment (March 23, 2023)

by Patrick Fearon-Hernandez, CFA, and Thomas Wash [Posted: 9:30 AM EDT] | PDF Good morning! Today’s Comment begins with our thoughts on the Federal Reserve’s rate decision. Next, we discuss the Fed’s economic outlook and why it may not be representative of future policy. Lastly, the report examines China’s battle to avoid isolation by the… Read More »

Daily Comment (March 22, 2023)

by Patrick Fearon-Hernandez, CFA, and Thomas Wash [Posted: 9:30 AM EDT] | PDF Our Comment today opens with an update on the U.S. and European banking crises and what they mean for monetary policy going forward (we also note that the Federal Reserve will release its latest interest-rate decision this afternoon at 2:00 PM EDT). … Read More »

Daily Comment (March 21, 2023)

by Patrick Fearon-Hernandez, CFA, and Thomas Wash [Posted: 9:30 AM EDT] | PDF Our Comment today opens with an update on the U.S. banking crisis and how investors’ concerns appear to be dissipating, at least so far today.  We next review a wide range of other international and U.S. developments with the potential to affect… Read More »

Daily Comment (March 20, 2023)

by Patrick Fearon-Hernandez, CFA, and Thomas Wash [Posted: 9:30 AM EDT] | PDF Our Comment today opens with an update on the global banking crisis, where Warren Buffett has reportedly been in contact with government officials in the U.S., and Swiss authorities have forced a merger of their top two banks.  We next review a… Read More »

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