The Equity Income strategy is focused on businesses that range in market capitalization and collectively generate an above-average stream of dividend income, while also providing capital appreciation potential. The research process seeks to identify businesses that have the ability to either pay a high level of dividend income or grow the dividend stream over time. The portfolio typically comprises 30-35 holdings and is expected to result in low to moderate turnover. Equity Income is suitable for clients seeking total return from dividend income and capital appreciation.
The Select Equity Income strategy is focused on large-cap businesses that collectively generate an above-average stream of dividend income, while also providing capital appreciation potential. The research process seeks to identify businesses that have the ability to either pay a high level of dividend income or grow the dividend stream over time. The portfolio typically comprises 23-25 holdings and is expected to result in low to moderate turnover. Select Equity Income is suitable for clients seeking total return from dividend income and capital appreciation.
The Increasing Dividend Equity Account (IDEA) strategy is focused on high-quality companies with long track records of distributing earnings to shareholders through dividends. The portfolio is selected from a universe of stocks meeting minimum criteria of paying and/or increasing dividends over the last 10 years and have market capitalizations greater than $1 billion. Also of importance is the anticipated dividend growth rate of the aggregate portfolio. The portfolio has approximately 49 holdings and is expected to result in low to moderate turnover. IDEA is suitable for clients primarily seeking capital appreciation, with total return from dividend income as a secondary objective.
Increasing Dividend Equity Account (IDEA) Plus is a dividend-based equity strategy combined with a covered call option strategy on the S&P 500 Index. Approximately 75% of the portfolio is made up of the IDEA portfolio which invests in high-quality companies that have paid and/or increased dividends over the last 10 years. The remaining 25% consists of an ETF position in the S&P 500 Index with a corresponding covered call position. IDEA Plus is suitable for clients seeking total return with lowered risk and volatility than the broader equity market, along with capital appreciation.
The Large Cap Value strategy is focused on seasoned businesses that generally have capitalizations above $10 billion. The portfolio typically comprises 23-25 holdings and is expected to result in low to moderate turnover. Large Cap Value is suitable for clients whose primary objective is capital appreciation and whose secondary objective is dividend income.
The All Cap Value strategy is focused on businesses that range in market capitalization. The portfolio typically comprises 30-35 holdings and is expected to result in low to moderate turnover. All Cap Value is suitable for clients whose primary objective is capital appreciation and whose secondary objective is dividend income.
The Small Cap Value strategy is focused on businesses that have small market capitalizations at the time of purchase. Market capitalizations are generally consistent with the Russell 2000 Index or the S&P SmallCap 600 Index. The portfolio typically comprises 30-35 holdings and is expected to result in low to moderate turnover. Because small cap stocks are generally more volatile than large cap stocks, Small Cap Value is suitable for clients whose primary objective is capital appreciation.
Value Opportunities is a concentrated portfolio of businesses that range in market capitalization and have near-term (within 18 months) catalysts in which to unlock the value. The portfolio may have concentrations in both individual holdings and/or industries. It typically comprises 8-12 holdings and is expected to result in higher turnover of 75-100%. Value Opportunities is suitable for clients seeking an aggressive approach to generating capital appreciation.