Research & News

Weekly Geopolitical Report – Syria and the Red Line (May 6, 2013)

by Bill O’Grady On Thursday, April 25, Secretary of Defense Hagel acknowledged that evidence that chemical weapons exposure occurred in Syria was probably accurate.  This news dominated the Sunday talk shows, mostly because President Obama had indicated that Syrian military use of chemical weapons would be a “game changer” and a “red line” that would trigger… Read More »

Weekly Geopolitical Report – The 2013 Geopolitical Outlook (December 17, 2012)

by Bill O’Grady As is our custom, in mid-December, we publish our geopolitical outlook for the coming year.  This list is not designed to be exhaustive.  As is often the case, a myriad of potential problems in the world could become issues in the coming year.  The lineup listed below details, in our opinion, the… Read More »

Weekly Geopolitical Report – The 2012 Geopolitical Outlook (December 19, 2011)

by Bill O’Grady As is our custom, we use this last report of the year to offer our outlook for next year.  In this issue, we will discuss what we see as the key geopolitical issues that will affect the markets and the world in 2012.  This list is not exhaustive but highlights our greatest… Read More »

Weekly Geopolitical Report – The Geopolitics of Geoengineering (May 11, 2009)

by Bill O’Grady Climate change has been a major issue for the past two decades.  An outgrowth of the environmental movement which began in the 1960s, there is growing concern that the atmospheric accumulation of greenhouse gases will lead to a catastrophic rise in temperatures and threaten human life on earth.  Thus, there have been… Read More »

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